Visit our Location

161 West Portal Avenue San Francisco



(628) 226-5605

Opening Hours

Mon: 10:15 - 6:15
Tues: 10:15 - 6:15
Thurs: 10:15 - 6:15
Fri: 10:15 - 6:15
Sat: 10:15 - 5:15
Sun: 10:15 - 5:15

Weight Loss

Weight loss

People often struggle with weight loss because of high levels of stress or vitamin deficiencies. Even in the healthiest of cases the American Standard Diet does not provide necessary nutrients often causing health problems and weight gain. It is proven that most cases of weight gain especially in women are related to stress, hormones and vitamin deficiencies.

If you are ready to explore ways to improve your metabolism, lower your stress and regulate your hormones, you can book a consultation now.

How does the process work?

Once you book a consultation you will receive a questionnaire about your health and weight goals. The questionnaire must be filled out before the consultation to help the examining doctor have enough health information. Doctor Alex may recommend tests, ask follow up questions or order blood tests.

Blood tests are done in facilities not associated with our spa and then forwarded to the ordering doctor. Upon receiving the results Doctor Alex will recommend a weight loss protocol.

What to expect?

The consultation will encompass your health history, answering your questions and ordering lab work for you if found necessary by our doctor. 

Once we have the full health history needed, we will put you on a weight loss protocol that include peptide and vitamin injections. 

As we are open 6 days a week, we are here to administer all of the steps necessary for your protocol. 

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